Have You Heard About “Operation Sandman”? You Will Soon!

Have you heard about Operation Sandman?

If you haven’t, you’d better get up to speed quickly.

Because it’s going to rock your life and standard of living you’ve become used to here in America.

And it’s already in process.

Allow me to explain…

Operation Sandman is the organized, controlled destruction of the U.S. Dollar.

In a picture

An intentional crash of the Dollar:

I can’t believe I missed this “Operation Sandman” post.

If so, it may go along with why OPEC+ suddenly cut so much oil by May. Truth is, Israel might be the excuse to cut even MORE! THAT’ll moonshot oil price & bond yield! Perfect cover to dump bond

Now for the big question….Why would they do this?Answer here:

Next question, for those of you saying:I don’t really care about the U.S. Dollar, why should I care?It’s not going to affect me.I don’t care about economics, that stuff is boring to me.You will care deeply very soon.Here’s why: