There are specialist who believe that sleeping naked enables you to relieve your stress, boost your confidence and improve your metabolism.
It has been found that only 8% of Americans sleep naked, beside all the health benefits there are from sleeping without your favorite pajama. It has been explained throughout many studies that you can also prevent spread of bacteria by sleeping naked.
Another great thing about sleeping naked, beside all the health benefits, is the higher sperm count. Simply said, men who sleep naked have higher sperm count and couple who sleep naked have more satisfying and happy marriage.
One study in particularly showed that 57% of British couples who sleep naked have fulfilling relationship. In addition to this, 94% of couples who are sleeping so close to each other so that their skin is touching, are more than satisfied from the relationship they are having.
Sleeping naked has also proven to be excellent for the quality of the skin and hair. What happens is that when your body is warmed at night, thanks to your pajama, the hormone with main function anti-aging, is not released into the body like it should.
On the contrary, then you sleep without clothes, on lower temperatures, waking up relaxed and rested will be a routine. That happens because you manage to regulate the stress hormone, by not having your body too warm during the night.