17 Reasons to Start Drinking Green Tea Every Day

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks we can have, and its countless medicinal properties have made it very popular throughout the history. In Ancient China, it could have been enjoyed by the royalty and wealthy only, and ordinary people started consuming it only after the wall of the Mongolian empire. Its powerful qualities

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5 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff.

Dandruff is a skin condition where flaky skin is shed from the scalp. Sometimes this may be very embarrassing. When you are in some public place and soon after sometime you see white powdery flakes all around your clothes and shoulders , this may cause damage to your social image. So to avoid this embarrassment

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How To Make Your Saggy Stomach Skin Smooth Naturally

Women who gave childbirth or people who lost a lot of weight in a short period of time often end up with loose skin, mostly on their stomach. This happens because they are losing weight faster than the skin can shrink. Loose skin also appears in older age, because the skin looses its elasticity. Whatever

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Tips For Implementing The 1200 Calorie Diet

If you have decided it’s time to drop a few pounds, you are likely looking for the ideal diet to implement to achieve your weight loss goals. There are plenty of diets to consider implementing. However, one of the best diets to consider would be a calorie restriction based diet like the 1200 diet. Below,

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Not many women talk about it, but approximately 30% of women experience pain during sex. And no, it is not the desired, bitter-sweet variety some of us may ask for sometimes. It is the surprising, mood-killing, unwanted and unexpected kind. If it persists, it can have really bad consequences – instilling a fear or aversion

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